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unbanMember(SuperiorPlayer) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.Island
Unban a player from the island.
unloadChunk(Chunk) - Method in interface
Handles a chunk being unloaded.
unregisterAdminCommand(SuperiorCommand) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.CommandsManager
Unregister a sub-command from the admin command.
unregisterCommand(SuperiorCommand) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.CommandsManager
Unregister a sub-command.
unregisterModule(PluginModule) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.ModulesManager
Unregister a module from the plugin.
unregisterSkinsListener(ISkinsListener) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.ProvidersManager
Unregister a skins listener.
unregisterStackedBlocksListener(IStackedBlocksListener) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.ProvidersManager
Unregister a stacked-blocks listener.
unregisterWorldsListener(IWorldsListener) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.ProvidersManager
Unregister a worlds listener.
untrackBlock(Key, BigInteger) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.algorithms.IslandBlocksTrackerAlgorithm
Untrack a block with a specific amount.
untrackEntity(Key, int) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.algorithms.IslandEntitiesTrackerAlgorithm
Untrack a entity with a specific amount.
updateBorder() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.Island
Update the border of all the players inside the island.
updateDatesFormatter() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.Island
Re-sync the island with a new dates formatter.
updateIslandFly(SuperiorPlayer) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.Island
Update the fly status for a player on this island.
updateLastTime() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.Island
Update the last time the island was used.
updateLastTimeStatus() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.wrappers.SuperiorPlayer
Update the last time player joined or left the server.
updateName() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.wrappers.SuperiorPlayer
Update the cached name with the current player's name.
updateObject(String, DatabaseFilter, Pair<String, Object>...) - Method in interface
Update the object in the database.
updatePermission(IslandPrivilege) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.MenusManager
Update the island permission in the menu.
updatePermission(IslandPrivilege) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.hooks.MenusProvider
Update the island permission in the menu.
updateSettings(IslandFlag) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.MenusManager
Update the island settings in the menu.
updateSettings(IslandFlag) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.hooks.MenusProvider
Update the island settings in the menu.
updateStackedBlockHologram(Location) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.StackedBlocksManager
Update the hologram of a stacked block.
updateStackedBlockHolograms(Chunk) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.StackedBlocksManager
Update the holograms of stacked-blocks in a specific chunk.
updateUpgrades() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.Island
Update the upgrade values from default values of config & upgrades file.
updateWorldBorder(Island) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.wrappers.SuperiorPlayer
Update world border for this player.
Upgrade - Interface in com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.upgrades
UpgradeCost - Interface in com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.upgrades.cost
UpgradeCostLoader - Interface in com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.upgrades.cost
UpgradeCostLoadException - Exception in com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.upgrades.cost
This exception is used inside UpgradeCostLoader.loadCost(ConfigurationSection) when a faulty configuration is given for the loader.
UpgradeCostLoadException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.upgrades.cost.UpgradeCostLoadException
UpgradeLevel - Interface in com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.upgrades
UpgradesManager - Interface in com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers
UUID - Static variable in class com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.persistence.PersistentDataType
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