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DatabaseBridge - Interface in
DatabaseBridgeFactory - Interface in com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.factory
DatabaseBridgeMode - Enum in
Represents the mode the database-bridge object is in.
DatabaseFilter - Class in
DatabaseFilter(Collection<Pair<String, Object>>) - Constructor for class
deleteCategory(WarpCategory) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.Island
Delete a warp category.
deleteIsland(Island) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.GridManager
Delete an island.
deleteIsland(Island) - Static method in class com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.SuperiorSkyblockAPI
Delete an island
deleteObject(String, DatabaseFilter) - Method in interface
Delete the object from the database.
deleteWarp(SuperiorPlayer, Location) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.Island
Delete a warp from the island.
deleteWarp(String) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.Island
Delete a warp from the island.
depositAdminMoney(CommandSender, BigDecimal) - Method in interface
Deposit money into the bank, without taking money from any player.
depositMoney(SuperiorPlayer, double) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.hooks.EconomyProvider
Deposit money into a player's bank.
depositMoney(SuperiorPlayer, BigDecimal) - Method in interface
Deposit money into the bank.
deserialize(byte[]) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.persistence.PersistentDataTypeContext
Deserialize the provided bytes buffer into a valid value.
destroyMemberManage(SuperiorPlayer) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.MenusManager
Destroy the member-manage menus for a specific island member.
destroyMemberManage(SuperiorPlayer) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.hooks.MenusProvider
Destroy the member-manage menus for a specific island member.
destroyMemberRole(SuperiorPlayer) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.MenusManager
Destroy the member-role menus for a specific island member.
destroyMemberRole(SuperiorPlayer) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.hooks.MenusProvider
Destroy the member-role menus for a specific island member.
destroyWarpCategories(Island) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.MenusManager
Destroy the warp-categories menus for a specific island.
destroyWarpCategories(Island) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.hooks.MenusProvider
Destroy the warp-categories menus for a specific island.
destroyWarps(WarpCategory) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.MenusManager
Destroy the warp-categories menus for a specific warp category.
destroyWarps(WarpCategory) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.hooks.MenusProvider
Destroy the warp-categories menus for a specific warp category.
disableModule() - Method in class com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.modules.PluginModule
Disable the module.
disableSettings(IslandFlag) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.Island
Disable an island settings.
disbandIsland() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.island.Island
Disband the island.
dispatchSubCommand(CommandSender, String) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.CommandsManager
Dispatch a sub command.
dispatchSubCommand(CommandSender, String, String) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.handlers.CommandsManager
Dispatch a sub command.
displayCommand() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.commands.SuperiorCommand
Should the command be displayed in /is help (or /is admin for admin commands)?
DOUBLE - Static variable in class com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.persistence.PersistentDataType
DragonBattleResetResult - Enum in com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.service.dragon
DragonBattleService - Interface in com.bgsoftware.superiorskyblock.api.service.dragon
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