- isBlacklisted() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedObject
Checks if an object is blacklisted.
- isCached() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedObject
Whether or not the object is cached.
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.events.PlaceEvent
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.events.StackEvent
- isCancelled() - Method in class com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.events.UnstackEvent
- isCustomNameVisible() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
Check whether or not the name of the living entity is visible.
- isCustomNameVisible() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedItem
Check whether or not the name of the item is visible.
- isDefault() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades.SpawnerUpgrade
Check if this upgrade is a default upgrade.
- isEnabled() - Method in enum com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.enums.StackSplit
- isEntityAllowed(EntityType) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades.SpawnerUpgrade
Check if an entity is allowed to be upgraded to this upgrade.
- isInstantKill(EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
Checks if the entity should be instant-killed or not.
- isNameBlacklisted() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
Checks if the name of the entity is blacklisted.
- isNerfed() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
Checks if the entity is nerfed or not.
- isSimilar(StackedObject) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedObject
Checks if this object is similar to another object.
- isStackedBarrel(Block) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.handlers.SystemManager
Checks if a block is a stacked barrel.
- isStackedBarrel(Location) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.handlers.SystemManager
Checks if a block is a stacked barrel.
- isStackedBarrel(Location) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedSnapshot
Checks if a location has barrel data.
- isStackedSpawner(Block) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.handlers.SystemManager
Checks if a block is a stacked spawner.
- isStackedSpawner(Location) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.handlers.SystemManager
Checks if a block is a stacked spawner.
- isStackedSpawner(Location) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedSnapshot
Checks if a location has spawner data.
- isWhitelisted() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedObject
Checks if an object is whitelisted.
- isWorldDisabled() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedObject
Checks if the world of the object is disabled.
- ItemStackEvent - Class in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.events
ItemStackEvent is called when an item is stacked into another item.
- ItemStackEvent(StackedItem, StackedItem) - Constructor for class com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.events.ItemStackEvent
The constructor for the event.