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setAllowedEntities(List<String>) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades.SpawnerUpgrade
Set all the allowed entities for this upgrade.
setAmount(int) - Method in class
Set the amount the entity will be unstacked by.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCost(double) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades.SpawnerUpgrade
Set the cost of the upgrade.
setCustomName(String) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
Set a custom-name to the living-entity.
setCustomName(String) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedItem
Set a custom-name to the item.
setCustomNameVisible(boolean) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
Set visible custom name flag to the living-entity.
setCustomNameVisible(boolean) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedItem
Set visible custom name flag to the item.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades.SpawnerUpgrade
Set the display name of the upgrade.
setDrops(List<ItemStack>) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
Set a temporary loot-table for this entity.
setDropsMultiplier(int) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
Set a multiplier for loot.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in enum com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.enums.StackSplit
setHealth(double) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
Set the health to the living-entity.
setIcon(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades.SpawnerUpgrade
Set the icon of the upgrade that will be displayed on the upgrade menu.
setItemStack(ItemStack) - Method in class
Set a new item that will be dropped.
setItemStack(ItemStack) - Method in class
Set a new item that will be dropped.
setItemStack(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedItem
Set the item stack of the item.
setLinkedEntity(LivingEntity) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedSpawner
Set an entity to be linked into this spawner.
setLootMultiplier(int) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
See setDropsMultiplier
setMaxNearbyEntities(int) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades.SpawnerUpgrade
Set the maximum nearby entities allowed around spawners.
setMaxSpawnDelay(int) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades.SpawnerUpgrade
Set the maximum spawn delay of spwaners.
setMinSpawnDelay(int) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades.SpawnerUpgrade
Set the minimum spawn delay of spawners.
setNerfed(boolean) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
Set whether the entity should be nerfed or not.
setNextUpgrade(SpawnerUpgrade) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades.SpawnerUpgrade
Set the next upgrade in the ladder.
setRequiredPlayerRange(int) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades.SpawnerUpgrade
Set the required player range from spawners.
setShouldBeStacked(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether or not the entity should be spawned as a stacked entity.
setSpawnCause(SpawnCause) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
Set the spawn cause of the entity.
setSpawnCount(int) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades.SpawnerUpgrade
Set the maximum spawn count of spawners.
setSpawnRange(int) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades.SpawnerUpgrade
Set the spawn range of spawners.
setStackAmount(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedObject
Update the stack amount
setStackAmount(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.UnloadedStackedObject
Update the stack amount
setTempLootTable(List<ItemStack>) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
see setDrops
setUpgrade(SpawnerUpgrade) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.UnloadedStackedSpawner
Set an upgrade to this object.
setUpgrade(SpawnerUpgrade) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.UpgradeableStackedObject
Set an upgrade to this object.
shouldBeStacked() - Method in class
Check whether or not the entity should be spawned as a stacked entity.
SpawnCause - Enum in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.enums
SpawnCondition - Class in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.spawning
SpawnCondition(String) - Constructor for class com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.spawning.SpawnCondition
SpawnCondition(String, String) - Constructor for class com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.spawning.SpawnCondition
spawnCorpse(StackedEntity) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.handlers.SystemManager
Spawn a corpse for a stacked entity.
spawnCorpse() - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
Spawn a corpse for this entity.
spawnDuplicate(int) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedEntity
Spawn a duplicate entity with a specific stack amount.
spawnEntityWithoutStacking(Location, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.handlers.SystemManager
Spawns a new entity without stacking it.
spawnEntityWithoutStacking(Location, Class<T>, CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.handlers.SystemManager
see spawnEntityWithoutStacking(Location location, Class type, SpawnCause spawnCause)
spawnEntityWithoutStacking(Location, Class<T>, SpawnCause) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.handlers.SystemManager
Spawns a new entity without stacking it.
spawnEntityWithoutStacking(Location, EntityType) - Static method in class com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.WildStackerAPI
This method will spawn an entity without stacking it to another entity.
SpawnerDropEvent - Class in
SpawnerDropEvent is called when a spawner is broken and dropped.
SpawnerDropEvent(StackedSpawner, Player, ItemStack) - Constructor for class
The constructor for the event.
SpawnerPlaceEvent - Class in
SpawnerPlaceEvent is called when a new spawner is placed in the world.
SpawnerPlaceEvent(Player, StackedSpawner) - Constructor for class
See SpawnerPlaceEvent(Player, StackedSpawner, ItemStack)
SpawnerPlaceEvent(Player, StackedSpawner, ItemStack) - Constructor for class
The constructor for the event.
SpawnerPlaceInventoryEvent - Class in
SpawnerPlaceInventoryEvent is called when blocks are moved into the place inventory of a spawner.
SpawnerPlaceInventoryEvent(Player, StackedSpawner, int) - Constructor for class
The constructor for the event.
SpawnerStackedEntitySpawnEvent - Class in
SpawnerStackedEntitySpawnEvent is called when a spawner attempts to spawn a stacked entity.
SpawnerStackedEntitySpawnEvent(CreatureSpawner) - Constructor for class
The constructor for the event.
SpawnerStackEvent - Class in
SpawnerStackEvent is called when a spawner is stacked into another spawner.
SpawnerStackEvent(StackedSpawner, StackedSpawner) - Constructor for class
The constructor for the event.
SpawnerUnstackEvent - Class in
SpawnerUnstackEvent is called when a spawner is unstacked.
SpawnerUnstackEvent(StackedSpawner, Entity, int) - Constructor for class
The constructor for the event.
SpawnerUpgrade - Interface in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.upgrades
SpawnerUpgradeEvent - Class in
SpawnerUpgradeEvent is called when a spawner is upgraded.
SpawnerUpgradeEvent(StackedSpawner, SpawnerUpgrade) - Constructor for class
The constructor for the event.
spawnItemWithAmount(Location, ItemStack) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.handlers.SystemManager
Drops an item with the amount of the item stack.
spawnItemWithAmount(Location, ItemStack, int) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.handlers.SystemManager
Drops an item with a specific amount for the stack.
spawnStackParticle(boolean) - Method in interface com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects.StackedObject
Spawn the stacking particle of the object.
StackCheckResult - Enum in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.enums
StackedBarrel - Interface in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects
StackedEntity - Interface in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects
StackedItem - Interface in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects
StackedObject<T> - Interface in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects
StackedSnapshot - Interface in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects
StackedSpawner - Interface in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.objects
StackEvent - Class in
StackEvent is a base event for all the stack events.
StackEvent(StackedObject, StackedObject) - Constructor for class
The constructor for the event.
StackResult - Enum in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.enums
StackResult is an enum that is returned when two objects are stacked together.
StackSplit - Enum in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.enums
SystemManager - Interface in com.bgsoftware.wildstacker.api.handlers
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