WildInspectWildInspect is an alternative for CoreProtect's inspect-mode. You can set required role for factions and it can be used only inside player's territories. Read more
4.64/5.0 (13 reviews)
WildBusterWildBuster brings a new block to the game called "Chunk-Buster". This block can bust entire chunks in a moment without causing any lag to the server! Read more
4.63/5.0 (17 reviews)
WildStackerWildStacker is suitable for servers with a lot of entities and drops which want to reduce the server-lag that they cause without changing the game experience. Read more
4.55/5.0 (111 reviews)
WildToolsWildTools brings the ability to create custom wands and tools that can be used by players. You can create Sell-Wands, Harvester Hoes, Trench Pickaxes and more! Read more
4.84/5.0 (41 reviews)
WildChestsWildChests brings more chests into the game. Sell chests, auto-crafters, storage units, larger chests and many more! Read more
5.0/5.0 (29 reviews)
WildLoadersWildLoaders brings a new block to the game called "Chunk-Loader". This block can keep chunks loaded without any alt accounts! Read more
5.0/5.0 (6 reviews)
SuperiorSkyblockSuperiorSkyblock is a modern Skyblock core that brings many tweaks and changes to the old and lovely Skyblock game-mode. The core is optimized and it's designed to fit your needs. Read more